


The ne玉山銀行小額信貸試算arby Hanshin Department Store had organized a promotional event to coincide with the sunset on the first day of the Lunar New Year, and Chenggong Street was closed off so that people could get永豐信貸 a look at the phenomenon.

各家銀行信貸比較民間貸款條件民間貸款好嗎The full sun, seen in between the buildings on Cingnian Road, bathed the street in golden beams, br各銀行車貸利率比較inging traffic to a standstill.

By Chang Chu民間信貸當日放款民間信貸台北n民間貸款利息g各家銀行貸款利率比較-合法借錢管道yi / Staff reporter

The setting sun aligning with streets in Kaohsiu全額車貸條件ng on Saturday attracted such a large crowd of photographers, 申辦土地貸款銀行drivers and pedestrians that they blocked most of 民間信貸安全嗎the four-lane Cingnian Road while trying to get the best view.民間代書貸款

玉山銀行信貸民間借款利率However, Chenggong Street was not the best viewing location, and so a large number of photographers turned up early in the morning to claim a spot on the traffic island on Mincyuan Road.各家銀行信貸利率比較2017

Fortunately, the traffic was light on the first day of the Lunar 各銀行貸款利率比較如何借錢最快New Year holiday, and玉山銀行二胎房貸 police helped ease the vehicular and pedestrian congestion.民間貸款利率

The sunset view from Cingnian Road has been compared to New York City’s “Manhattanhenge,” when the setting sun aligns with Manhattan’s east-west numbered streets.

Additional reporting by staff 民間借貸好嗎民間貸款是什麼各家銀行中古車貸利率民間信貸利率>各家銀行信用貸款利率比較各家銀行車貸利率比較2017writer

新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES民間借貸利息行情>如何跟銀行協商還款


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